Category: Women’s Health
Counting Kicks to Prevent Stillbirths
Stillbirths dropped 28% in Iowa after the launch of a program that teaches mothers to track the movements of their unborn babies in the last trimester.
I have painful periods, could it be endometriosis?
Endometriosis causes number of symptoms, including period pain. But painful periods alone, even if they’re bad, aren’t a surefire indicator of endometriosis.
Pediatricians Put It Bluntly: Motherhood And Marijuana Don’t Mix
More and more people consider smoking marijuana harmless, but mounting research suggests women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid it altogether.
Biorhythms And Birth Control: FDA Stirs Debate By Approving ‘Natural’ App
While “natural” contraceptive methods can be successful, they generally require close daily attention.
Trusted Health Sites Spread Myths About a Deadly Pregnancy Complication
Some of the most trusted health sites have incomplete, outdated and sometimes misleading information about preeclampsia, a deadly pregnancy-related complication.
For Addicted Women, the Year After Childbirth Is the Deadliest
The opioid epidemic has addicted nearly 3 million Americans and killing more than 350,000. But pregnant women and new moms are particularly vulnerable.
Induced labor at 39 weeks may reduce likelihood of C-section, NIH study suggests
Healthy first-time mothers whose labor was induced in the 39th week of pregnancy were less likely to deliver by cesarean section, compared to those who waited for labor to begin naturally.
Genetically testing human embryos: what you need to know about the debate
Preimplantation genetic testing is widely used to increase the chance of having a healthy baby. Whether it should be performed at all, however, is hotly debated.
Zika may cause many more miscarriages than previously recognized
One in four nonhuman primates infected with the Zika virus early in pregnancy miscarried, even though the animals showed few signs of infection.
Trump’s Next High Court Pick Likely To Target Abortion. Is That What The Public Wants?
Americans oppose overturning Roe V. Wade by 38 percentage points — 67 vs. 29 percent.
UW experts call for closer follow-up of Zika-exposed children
Children exposed to the Zika virus either in pregnancy or early in life should be monitored into adolescence for signs of subtle neurological damage — even if they appeared normal at birth, say researchers at the University of Washington School of Medicine