Data dashboard shows total cases, deaths and demographics
From Public Health – Seattle & King County
Starting today, Public Health—Seattle & King County will be announcing daily updates to COVID-19 cases and deaths in a new format.
A data dashboard goes online today that includes much more information about the status of COVID-19 cases in King County.
Many residents have been wondering how many people have tested positive in their city or zip code. Some have been asking about the age ranges of those who test positive or who have died.
All of this information is available via the new dashboard, at www.kingcounty.gov/covid/data
The dashboard will be updated daily between 1:00 and 2:00 p.m., pending the receipt of data from key sources, including the Washington State Department of Health.
Yesterday, due to reporting difficulties, the totals supplied were estimates. The dashboard includes a timestamp of the most recent updates.
Because there are delays in reporting data from various laboratories, meaning case totals for any given day are commonly reported two or three days later, a graph showing the trend of COVID-19 cases may appear to be flat or declining – but we must assume that this does not actually represent a decline.
As more data arrives, each recent day’s count will go up. The total case count and its rate of increase is a better indicator of current trends.
The dashboard includes important information that appears when a user hovers over key data points. A mobile version is also available.
For additional information about COVID-19 and the response in King County, be sure to check our webpage: www.kingcounty.gov/covid