Category: Tobacco
Snohomish sees first case of vaping-related lung illness
The patient reported vaping products that were purchased from legal retailers, and they did not appear to have been tampered with or modified.
How One School Is Tackling the Youth Vaping Epidemic
Scare tactics have had limited success in persuading adolescents from engaging in risky behavior. But a combination of other strategies has been shown to work.
Second case of lung illness in King County linked to vaping
The woman was admitted to hospital in mid-September with shortness of breath and difficulty breathing. She has since been released and is recovering.
Vaping likely has dangers that could take years to identify
We don’t know what is in vaping devices, what the reported health effects actually mean, and, most importantly, why all these problems appeared so quickly.
Vaping may take your breath away, warn state health officials
Vaping may take your breath away, warn state health officials
Officials warn county residents about severe lung disease associated use of e-cigarettes and THC products
100s of cases of severe lung illness have been reported among e-cigarette users. Many report having vaped products containing cannabinoids, such as THC and CBD.
For quitting smoking, e-cigarettes top other nicotine replacements
The group using e-cigarettes experienced fewer of these symptoms and found them more helpful and more satisfying.