Category: Mental Health
7 science-based strategies to succeed with New Year’s resolutions
How can you increase your willpower and fulfill your New Year’s resolutions? These strategies are based on research with 100s people with long-term goals.
Instagram can help shy people make friends – study
A survey of 700 college students at WSU found Instagram helped them make and strengthen friendships. Shy, introverted people seemed to benefit the most.
Feeling sick is an emotion meant to help you get better faster
Fatigue, for example, reduces your level of physical activity, which leaves more energy available for the immune system.
San Francisco Hopes To Improve Care For People With Mental Illness Living On Streets
The plan will allow the city to take people with mental illness or substance abuse issues off the streets without their consent and put them into treatment.
Loneliness is a social cancer, every bit as alarming as cancer itself
Young adults and people living in the inner city are among those most likely to be lonely. Few realize loneliness can kill.
If Dr Google’s making you sick with worry, there’s help
The term “cyberchondria” describes the anxiety we experience as a result of excessive web searches about symptoms or diseases.
More Adolescents Seek Medical Care For Mental Health Issues
The spike corresponds with a recent survey that found that members of “Generation Z” are more likely to report their mental health as fair or poor.
Drugs and talk both effective therapy for depression
An analysis comparing antidepressants and cognitive behavioral therapy over five years suggests new patients should have more access to talk option.
Meditation apps might calm you — but miss the point of Buddhist mindfulness
Do these apps truly promote Buddhist ideals or are they a product of a lucrative consumer industry?
Grief Grew Into A Mental Health Crisis And A $21,634 Hospital Bill
She purchased individual insurance on the open market, not through the Affordable Care Act exchange. It didn’t cover mental health care.
Using stimulants to cram for exams doesn’t help test scores
Nonprescription use of stimulants is a growing problem for young people, bringing not only a risk of overdose and addiction but also damaging sleep disruption.
What affect does blue light have on your sleep?
Laboratory studies have shown that prolonged exposure to high-intensity blue light damages retinal cells in mice. But, epidemiological studies on real people tell a different story.
More mental health care won’t stop the gun epidemic, new study suggests
Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death among U.S. adults and the second leading cause among teens. The majority of suicides are completed using a firearm.
Medicaid expansion linked to improved mental health, job performance
New findings about low-income adults with behavioral health conditions, mental health and substance use disorders, suggest importance of continuous coverage
‘Gravely Disabled’ Homeless Forced Into Mental Health Care
Facing increased homelessness with many with severe mental illness living on the street, cities and states are taking a fresh look at involuntary commitment.