Category: Health Insurance
Health Insurers Are Vacuuming Up Details About You — And It Could Raise Your Rates
Insurers and data brokers are predicting your health costs based on data about things like race, how much TV you watch, or even buy plus-size clothing.
States Attacking ACA Would Suffer Most If Shield On Preexisting Conditions Were Axed
West Virginia has the highest rate of adults with preexisting conditions, 36% of those under 65.
Can Insurers Use Your Genetic Testing Results?
Michelle Andrews answers questions from readers concerned about health insurance roadblocks in the face of a serious illness or medical crisis.
Doctors concerned Medicare pay-for-performance incentives could harm patient care, survey
60 percent of doctors polled said physicians might “avoid sicker or more medically complex patients to improve performance on quality or utilization measures.”
Who has the most to lose if pre-existing conditions aren’t covered?
If insurance for pre-existing conditions, who gets hurt most — those 50 to 64.
When will I get my new Medicare card?
You may have heard that we started mailing out new Medicare. Hang tight you might get your card at a different time than friends or neighbors in your state.
Britain’s National Health Services Explained in 8 charts
Seventy years ago, the Beveridge Report outlined a radical plan for a National Health Service to provide health care to all UK citizens, regardless of their income.
Judge blocks Kentucky Medicaid work requirement
The ruling was hailed by advocates for the poor. But it could limit the number of states expanding Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act.
Thinking About An Association Health Plan? Read The Fine Print
Detractors say association health plans may not provide the full protection that workers need, plus the changes likely will drive up costs in the regular individual and small-group markets.
Health costs often stand between teachers and fatter paychecks
As teacher strikes flared this spring, one thing often missing from hand-scrawled placards and fiery speeches was an issue that has contributed greatly to the financial woes of America’s schools: skyrocketing health care costs.