Health News

How can busy people also keep fit and healthy? Here’s what the ancient Greeks and Romans did

One wealthy Athenian citizen named Ischomachus, who lived in the 5th century BC, used to keep fit by exercising on his daily commute.

When he had to go into the city, he would run or walk, or alternate between the two. He’d do the same when visiting his farm. Even the famous philosopher Socrates praised Ischomachus for keeping healthy in this efficient way, in spite of always being busy with commitments.

Health News

Book Review: A New Chapter in the Quest for a Longer Life

Humans may be unique among animals in our ability to understand and anticipate death, and ever since we evolved into this awareness, we’ve struggled to accept it. We espouse religious beliefs about reincarnation or the everlasting immortal soul, we attempt to live on through offspring and legacy, and, of course, since antiquity, we have searched for eternal life.

Environment, Environmental Health, Health News, Public Health

The Cost of Freeing Drinking Water from ‘Forever Chemicals’

In proposing the limits, EPA officials said that they had leveraged the latest science to protect the public from PFAS pollution. Environmental groups welcomed the move as long overdue. But the standard has drawn widespread criticism from the water utility industry and some scientists who say that in many places, small drops in PFAS water levels will matter little for exposure or health.

Health News

How to lower your risk of breast cancer

Everyone has breast tissue, and everyone has some risk of developing breast cancer in their lifetime. And even though you can’t change risk factors like your age or family history, you can still lower your risk.

Health News


Western Washington enters heat wave . . . West Nile virus detected in Grant County . . . Air pollution linked to dementia . . . 5 Victorian-era diseases that are back . . . Should you worry about your BMI?

Health News

Measles case in King County

Public Health – Seattle & King County is investigating a confirmed measles case in a child. People who were at Aki Kurose Middle School, Pike Place Market, World Market, and HopeCentral Pediatrics & Behavioral Health in Seattle may have been exposed to measles if they were there within the time span that this person passed through while infectious.