Category: Health Insurance
A $41,212 appendectomy
Healthcare Bluebook estimates the price of the procedure ranges from $9,678 to more than $30,000– and the“fair price” it suggests for the surgery is $12,090.
Help available for Premera and Likewise customers who need service
The Office of the Insurance Commissioner has heard from about 180 Washington consumers who are having problems with their health insurance purchased from Premera and Lifewise.
Second largest physician group calls for universal health coverage
Organization calls for coverage for all either through a single-payer financing system or a publicly-financed coverage option with regulated private insurance.
Truth about Trump: He wants to abolish patient protections – Mike Kreidler
The administration wants to eliminate protections that prohibit insurance companies from denying you coverage for pre-existing conditions such as cancer, asthma or a host of other life-threatening diseases.
What the 2020s have in store for aging boomers
Our nation isn’t prepared for this vast demographic shift and its far-reaching consequences.
Team Trump says its action on health care ‘Is Working.’ Is it?
The number of Americans without health insurance has crept up under the Trump administration. Cost growth has slowed, but costs are still going up.
Where do the Democratic candidates stand on health care
An expert explains what the Democratic presidential candidates stand for.
In Reversal, Counties and States Help Inmates Keep Medicaid
In recent years, officials have increasingly using a stopgap measure to help inmates reactivate their Medicaid coverage upon release from prison.
Universal coverage, single-payer, ‘Medicare for All’: What does it all mean for you?
Simon F. Haeder, Pennsylvania State University Collectively, health care is our biggest industry. And, health care has long been one of the most politically contested issues. Partisan wrangling over health reform has perhaps been the most acrimonious issue in Americans…
Washington state fines online health insurance company $1.5 million
The company, Health Insurance Innovations or HII, has been the subject of investigations in other states for allowing deceptive sales practices.
New law now protects patients from surprise medical bills in Washington
Patients who receive emergency services or certain services at an in-network hospital or surgical facility will not get a surprise billed by an out-of-network provider.
Medicare enrollment begins Jan. 1 – Need help?
The Washington State Office of the Insurance Commissioner and volunteers at the Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors (SHIBA) program can help.
Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down Portion Of Obamacare
The case is likely to go to the Supreme Court. Should the court strike down the law, it will upend the U.S. health care system.
Many Obamacare protections now set in Washington State law
After court ruling has raised the possibility that the Affordable Care Act might be invalidated, officials issue seek to reassure those covered through the law.
As rural Americans struggle for health care access, insurers may be making things worse
Insurance plans often do not cover local providers forcing patients to travel further to get care.