Category: Health News
California investigates doctors issuing questionable vaccination exemptions
California is investigating at least four physicians for issuing questionable medical exemptions to children whose parents did not want them immunized.
Health Check: are painful periods normal?
The experience of having periods varies between women. They can be light and completely painless for some, but completely debilitating for others.
Want Ammo? Be Prepared For A Background Check
California is the first state in the nation to require anyone buying ammunition to go through a background check at the time of each purchase.
Price transparency: Fool’s gold?
One solution would be to require uniform prices by all providers to all purchasers.
Supplements for brain health show no benefit, study
A quarter of adults over 50 take a supplement for brain health. But a new study suggests seniors should spend their money elsewhere. The supplements don’t work.
Guns second leading killer of kids
After motor vehicle accidents, firearm injuries second leading cause of death for US children and teens.
Payroll Tax will Fund Services to Help Seniors Age At Home
Washington state will employ a new 0.58% payroll tax to fund a $36,500 benefit for individuals to pay for home health care and other services.
A Wake-Up Call On Data-Collecting Smart Beds And Sleep Apps
Your smart bed, mattress pad or sleep app, may know when you go to sleep, when you toss and turn, and It may even be able to tell when you’re having sex.
Colorectal Cancer Among Young Adults Rising Fastest in the West
Rate in Washington State almost doubles over two decades.
Analysis: A Health Care Overhaul Could Kill 2 Million Jobs, And That’s OK
Some in the health care industry argue that “Medicare for All” would cause economic ruin, decimating a sector that represents nearly 20% of our economy.
Traumatic injury has become a health care crisis
Trauma is the leading cause of death for individuals from 1 to 46 years and the fourth leading cause of death for all age groups.
Some foods said to improve health, but you’d have to eat a lot.
If you do the math, you’ll find you actually need to eat enormous amounts of particular foods to get an active dose of the desired ingredient.
‘John Doe’ Patients Force Hospital Staff To Play Detective
Identifying patients helps avoid the treatment risks that come with not knowing a patient’s medical history and find next of kin to help make medical decisions.
No cure for Alzheimer’s in my lifetime
If you understand why there won’t be much headway on Alzheimer’s, you’ll also understand why medicine has been having fewer breakthroughs on major diseases.
Explainer: what is Candida auris and who is at risk?
Candida auris, a deadly, multidrug-resistant fungus emerging around the world, has been called the new “fungal superbug.”