Category: Coronavirus
Coronavirus headlines
As Coronavirus Fears Intensify, Effectiveness of Quarantines Is Questioned
Something deadlier than the Wuhan virus lurks near you
There’s a deadly virus spreading from state to state. It preys on the most vulnerable, striking the sick and the old without mercy.
Coronavirus, Travel and the Changing Situation – advice from Public Health – Seattle & King County
Expect more cases internationally and in the US, including possibly locally, before the outbreak ends.
Health officials monitoring 50 close contacts of patient diagnosed with new coronavirus
Washington state officials are monitoring 50 close contacts of man who was diagnosed earlier this week with the new coronavirus infection
Coronavirus headlines
Risk from infection locally is low. Robot treating local case. Outbreak not a global health emergency yet, WHO. Panic and conspiracy theories on social media.
Researchers aim to ‘jumpstart’ work on a vaccine for new coronavirus
Human coronaviruses (CoV)have long been regarded as relatively benign causes of the common cold. In recent years, however, new highly pathogenic CoV emerged.
Why currently the exposure risk from new coronavirus is low in the region
Even though a local resident has been diagnosed with the novel coronavirus infection, the risk of infection from novel coronavirus is low to the general public.
Update on coronavirus case in Washington state
Officials are following up on 16 local individuals who were exposed to the Snohomish County resident who contracted the 2019 novel coronavirus in Wuhan, China.
Questions and Answers about a Novel Coronavirus in Washington
Dr. Jeff Duchin, Health Officer for Public Health – Seattle & King County, answers questions about the 2019 novel coronavirus and what we might expect.
Washington state resident hospitalized with coronavirus infection
The man arrived in Snohomish County after traveling from Wuhan City, China, where an outbreak of of the virus, 2019-nCoV, has been underway since December.