Category: Vaccines
What the Slowing Vaccine Rates Mean for One Rural Montana County
Daily covid vaccination rates are falling nationwide. Gaps in vaccine uptake are starting to show, especially in rural America. That leaves many communities grappling with an imperfect pandemic endgame.
Too early to tell whether flattening COVID-19 curve in Washington will continue, say state officials
There are some signs that cases may be starting to flatten, but disease activity remains high
As COVID-19 Vaccine Demand Dips, Community Health Centers Take the Lead
Their mission is to close the gap between the vaccination rates of the nation’s most vulnerable people and the rest of the population.
Fourth Wave of COVID-19 Infections Threatens Washington State’s Return to Normal
How did we get here? Even with millions getting vaccinated?
We may never achieve long-term global herd immunity for COVID. But if we’re all vaccinated, we’ll be safe from the worst
IF we’re all vaccinated, we’ll be largely safe from the worst ravages of the infection even if it does break out.
Republican Men Are Vaccine-Hesitant, But There’s Little Focus on Them
Republicans are the most vaccine resistant; nearly 3 in 10 say they don’t want one. The share is greater among rural, Republican men, 35% of whom don’t want to get a vaccine.
King County launches in-home coronavirus vaccination program
Right now, appointments are limited and individuals with the greatest challenges leaving their homes will be prioritized.
Vaccine eligibility in Washington state expands to everyone 16 and older
Those age 16 and 17 may need consent from a parent or guardian, unless they are legally emancipated.
More than 200 “vaccine breakthrough” COVID-19 cases seen in Washington state
The cases represent only about .01 percent of the fully vaccinated population.
Washington orders pause on use of J&J’s covid vaccine
This action is being taken after six recipients develop serious blood clots.
New COVID variants have changed the game, and vaccines will not be enough. We need global ‘maximum suppression’
Susan Michie, UCL; Chris Bullen, University of Auckland; Jeffrey V Lazarus, Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal); John N. Lavis, McMaster University; John Thwaites, Monash University; Liam Smith, Monash University; Salim Abdool Karim, Centre for the AIDS Program of Research…
CDC, UW study finds significant vaccine distrust within incarcerated populations, increasing risks
Researchers surveyed more than 5,000 inmates in late 2020. Among those asked about their willingness to receive a vaccine, only 45% said they were willing.
All adults in Washington state to be eligible for the coronavirus vaccine April 15
The expansion of eligibility comes, in part, in response to a recent uptick in COVID cases in the state.
More than 100 in Washington state develop COVID-19 despite being vaccinated
Scientists call these “vaccine breakthrough” cases, which are expected with any vaccine.