Category: Vaccines
How schools can reopen safely — a UW epidemiologist explains what works and what’s not worth the effort.
Vaccines and masking work well for preventing COVID-19 outbreaks in schools, but other strategies like plexiglass barriers and temperature checks are probably not worth the effort.
Delta variant in Washington state drives dramatic spike in cases
Unvaccinated people are being hit hardest, and public health officials continue to urge everyone who has not gotten fully vaccinated to do so immediately.
Third dose of COVID-19 vaccine recommended for certain immunocompromised individuals
“A third dose of Pfizer or Moderna will provide those who need it extra protection and help shield some of our most vulnerable from the highly contagious delta variant,” said Secretary of Health Umair A. Shah, MD, MPH
I Just Can’t Wait for Vaccines
(I Just Can’t Wait to Be King Parody)
Inslee announces vaccination requirement for most state employees, private health care and long-term care workers
Employees who refuse to be vaccinated will be subject to dismissal from employment for failing to meet legal job qualifications.
‘Wisdom and Fear’ Lead 90% of U.S. Seniors to Covid Vaccines
When vaccines became available many states targeted seniors first. That effort has proved successful, although rates vary among states: Hawaii, Pennsylvania and Vermont vaccinated more than 99% of their seniors, while West Virginia ranks last with 78%.
Pacific nations grapple with COVID’s terrible toll and the desperate need for vaccines
The Delta variant has drastically altered the situation for the Pacific.
Almost all COVID-19 deaths in Washington state are among those not fully vaccinated.
At least 94% of COVID-19 cases, deaths, and hospitalizations in individuals 12 years or older from Washington state occurred in individuals who were not fully vaccinated.
Masks will be required for all K-12 students and staff in Washington state schools
Given the high mixing of vaccinated and unvaccinated people in schools and the fact that vaccines are not available to children younger than 12, universal masking will be required in all K-12 schools.
Should I get the COVID-19 vaccine while pregnant or breastfeeding?
Experts explain the safety, evidence and clinical trials
COVID-19 cases increase across Washington state
Vaccination rates not increasing fast enough to control the virus
Lady Mary Wortley Montagu – the forgotten immunisation pioneer
Many people know the story of Edward Jenner’s discovery of vaccination against smallpox. but far fewer have heard of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu.
New COVID-19 vaccine warnings don’t mean it’s unsafe
They mean the system to report side effects is working
GOP Legislators in Missouri Oppose Vaccine Efforts as State Becomes COVID Hotspot
When State Rep. Bill Kidd, from the Kansas City suburbs, revealed that he has been infected by the coronavirus, he wrote: “No, we didn’t get the vaccine . . . We’re Republicans”
Washington state calls on providers to work to boost COVID-19 vaccination
COVID-19 vaccine trains your immune system to fight SARS-CoV-2.