Category: Immunology
Kids should get dirty, but how dirty?
Let your kids play outside, get dirty, try new foods and be exposed to a variety of things. Have them go outside recess time in school as much as possible.
Pollen is getting worse
But you can make things better with these tips from an allergist
Will I Always Face The Threat Of A Peanut-Laden Kiss Of Death?
When I see a report touting peanut allergy treatments, I devour it, an occupational hazard for a journalist whose reporting and medical history intertwine.
Charge for allergy test: $48,329
Her doctor had warned her that the extensive allergy skin-patch testing she needed might be expensive, but she wasn’t too worried: she had good insurance.
Itchy mouth? It could be an allergy.
Does your mouth itch when you eat certain fruits and vegetables? You may be having an allergic reaction to proteins related to tree, grass and weed pollen
Religious Conservatives’ Ties To Trump Officials Pay Off In AIDS Policies, Funding
Evangelical activist Shepherd Smith has spent decades cultivating relationships with leading AIDS policymakers to promote abstinence-only sex education.