Category: Rural Hospitals
Delta variant in Washington state drives dramatic spike in cases
Unvaccinated people are being hit hardest, and public health officials continue to urge everyone who has not gotten fully vaccinated to do so immediately.
Influx of Medical School Students Could Overwhelm Montana Resources, UW Leaders Warn
Opening two new medical schools in Montana would stretch and possibly overwhelm the state’s physicians who provide the clinical training that students need to become doctors, UW leaders say.
What the Slowing Vaccine Rates Mean for One Rural Montana County
Daily covid vaccination rates are falling nationwide. Gaps in vaccine uptake are starting to show, especially in rural America. That leaves many communities grappling with an imperfect pandemic endgame.
Fewer rural students applying to medical school
This decrease could lead to fewer doctors in less populated areas of the country
How the CARES Act Forgot America’s Most Vulnerable Hospitals
CARES Act funding for health care providers has been plagued by a dizzying rollout and, at times, contradictory guidelines for how to use the funding.
Inslee extends COVID-19 lockdown tothrough Jan. 4 in Washington state
The hospitalization projections are scary. We’re already at 80% ICU capacity in Washington. Unless this turns around, our system will be overrun.
What Happened When the Only ER Doctor in a Rural Town Got COVID
Papenfus is the lone full-time ER doctor in the town of 900, not far from the Kansas line. ““I’m chief of staff and medical director of everything,” he says.
Rural hospitals are under siege from COVID-19 . . . here’s what doctors are facing, in their own words
In many communities, the goodwill seen early in the pandemic has given way to COVID fatigue and anger, making it hard to implement public health measures
Rural hospitals can’t afford ultra-cold freezers to store the leading Covid-19 vaccine
The vaccine has to be stored at -70 degrees Celsius. Typical freezers don’t get that cold, making distribution of this vaccine a logistical nightmare.
COVID-19 Patients Swamp Rural Hospitals
The nation’s pandemic hotspots have shifted to rural communities, overwhelming small hospitals that are running out of beds or lack enough intensive care units.
Prognosis for Rural Hospitals Worsens With Pandemic
As COVID-19 spreads, a growing number of rural communities find themselves without their hospital or on the brink of losing already cash-strapped facilities.
Rural Hospitals Hang on as Pandemic Reaches Smaller Communities
As the COVID-19 pandemic battered large, metropolitan areas this spring, rural hospitals prepared to be next on the frontlines.
Rural America is more vulnerable to COVID-19 than cities are, and it’s starting to show
When you look at the factors that make a population more susceptible to the coronavirus, rural communities are at higher risk than major cities.
The South May See the Largest Share of Coronavirus Misery
Hotspots are being detected throughout the South, and the virus is seeping into rural communities where hospitals are ill-prepared to meet the challenge.
‘When It Starts Getting Into Your Local Hospital, It Becomes Real’
St. James Parish, La. is the hardest-hit counties nationwide for COVID-19 cases per capita, placing its small rural hospital on the pandemic’s front lines.