People are living longer with Parkinson’s, and medications, new and old, can and do make a difference, says expert.
How do you know if you’re getting the right antibiotic?
Pending test results, doctors usually start with antibiotic that is most likely to be work. This is called empiric therapy and is the “best guess” treatment.
App monitors drug treatment adherence
The app has also been applied to the treatment of other chronic and infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, diabetes, and hepatitis C.
Questions and Answers about a Novel Coronavirus in Washington
Dr. Jeff Duchin, Health Officer for Public Health – Seattle & King County, answers questions about the 2019 novel coronavirus and what we might expect.
Washington state resident hospitalized with coronavirus infection
The man arrived in Snohomish County after traveling from Wuhan City, China, where an outbreak of of the virus, 2019-nCoV, has been underway since December.
Second largest physician group calls for universal health coverage
Organization calls for coverage for all either through a single-payer financing system or a publicly-financed coverage option with regulated private insurance.
What makes a good psychologist or psychiatrist and how do you find one you like?
Find a therapist you feel safe and secure with, even if that means trying a few before finding one you like.
Bone marrow transplant survival has improved substantially, Fred Hutch study finds
Despite older, sicker patients, mortality rate dropped by one-third within 10-year period
Diagnosed With Dementia, She Documented Her Wishes. They Said No.
Even when people document their choices ― while they still have the ability to do so ― there’s no guarantee those instructions will be honored.
What the ban on gene-edited babies means for family planning
Today, it’s not longer “can we,” but rather, “should we” edit human embryos destined to be born?
The biology of coffee, the world’s most popular drink
We may be interested in coffee because of its caffeine buzz, but caffeine isn’t the most biologically interesting aspect of a good cup of coffee.
We’re naturally lazy
If you have to force yourself up off your couch to try to get in some physical activity, rest assured, you’re not the only one.
Employers targeting workers’ sleep problems
Sleep is the latest in an ever-growing list of wellness issues that employers are targeting to improve workers’ health and lower medical costs.
Influenza B outbreak seems to have peaked but virus still active in King County
Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), which like Influenza B can hit kids hard, is also causing illnesses in King County
Kaiser Permanente to expand Yesler, Capitol Hill and Everett facilities
The expansion is part of the $1 billion investment Kaiser Permanente announced in 2017 to build and upgraded its facilities in Washington