A study showed that community water fluoridation was associated with lower IQ scores in young children. Opponents say that confirms the dangers of fluoride.
Protein marker can reveal if benign-appearing meningiomas are, in fact, malignant, study
A modified protein in benign-appearing meningiomas can reveal which are truly benign and which are more dangerous and require more aggressive treatment,
Why it might be better to exercise before breakfast
Overweight or obese men who exercised before breakfast showed an improved insulin response after the training. Those who exercised after breakfast did not.
How to be fit in your 60s and beyond
If you’re fit, keep building meaningful physical activity into your day. If you’re not, even reducing time spent sitting and doing a little exercise will have major health benefits
Need help selecting a Medicare plan?
Medicare Open Enrollment is your chance to compare 2020 plans and choose what’s best for you. A mobile-friendly Plan Finder can help you compare plans.
Running may help you live longer but more isn’t necessarily better
Running can significantly improve your health and reduce the risk of death at a given point in time. And you don’t have to run fast or far to reap the benefits.
Many on Medicare with serious illnesses struggle to pay medical bills
“More than one-third of seriously ill Medicare beneficiaries said they had used up all or most of their savings to pay for their health care”
Drugs and talk both effective therapy for depression
An analysis comparing antidepressants and cognitive behavioral therapy over five years suggests new patients should have more access to talk option.
How Employer Stuck a New Mom With $898,984 Bill for Her Premature Baby
Her employer Dignity Health says its mission is to further “the healing ministry of Jesus.” It has assets of $6 billion and pays its CEO $11.9 million a year.
Meditation apps might calm you — but miss the point of Buddhist mindfulness
Do these apps truly promote Buddhist ideals or are they a product of a lucrative consumer industry?
The Trump Administration Cracked Down on Medicaid. Kids Lost Insurance.
Changes in the enforcement of the Affordable Care Act by the Trump administration has led to a million kids losing health coverage.
Enrollment on Washington State’s health exchange starts today
Offerings this year include more health plans, new health insurance carriers, and lower premiums available in most counties
What time of day should I take my medicine?
For around 30% of all medicines, the time of day you take it does matter.
Deathcap Mushroom Season is here: Mushroom foragers should take extreme care
Watch out, mushroom foragers. Fall rains bring blooms of Amanita phalloides, better known as the death cap mushroom. They are common in Western Washington.
Grief Grew Into A Mental Health Crisis And A $21,634 Hospital Bill
She purchased individual insurance on the open market, not through the Affordable Care Act exchange. It didn’t cover mental health care.