Category: High Blood Pressure
Many people don’t measure their blood pressure properly at home – here’s how to get accurate readings
Measuring your blood pressure at home means you can take readings over several days to get a better picture of your health, instead of one-off measurements at the doctor’s clinic. But it’s important you follow specific steps to get an accurate reading.
This salt alternative could help reduce blood pressure. So why are so few people using it?
It’s hard for people to change the way they cook, season their food differently, pick low-salt foods off the supermarket shelves and accept a less salty taste.
Now there is a simple and effective solution: potassium-enriched salt. It can be used just like regular salt and most people don’t notice any important difference in taste.
Remind me again, why is salt bad for you?
Salt is a chemical compound made of sodium and chloride, and this is the main form in which we consume it in our diet. Of these two elements, it’s the sodium we need to worry about.
Doctors Overlook a Curable Cause of High Blood Pressure
More than six decades after primary aldosteronism was first described in the medical literature, less than 1 percent of cases are diagnosed and treated despite evidence that it is a common cause of high blood pressure, or hypertension.
Eating Too Much Salt? Ways to Cut Back…Gradually
About 70% of the sodium you eat comes from processed (packaged) foods and restaurant foods.