Category: Health Policy
Sixty percent of fake healthcare news read online is considered credible—and trust in such claims increases if a story is seen multiple times.
Think ‘Medicare For All’ Is The Only Democratic Health Plan? Think Again
Let us walk you through a few proposals Democratic candidates have championed, plus what President Donald Trump is offering.
Community Health Centers Teeter on Financial Cliff, Courtesy of Congress
The nation’s nearly 1,400 community health centers provide essential health care services to low-income patients.
Dialysis Industry Spends Big To Protect Profits
In California, the dialysis industry spent about $2.5 million on lobbying and campaign contributions in the first half of this year in its ongoing battle to thwart regulation.
This Indiana Clinic Has Patient-Care Stats Worth Bragging About
Maple City Clinic has graphs comparing its performance to that of other clinics across the state. The other clinics are getting their butts kicked.
With Trump’s Blessing, Some States Aim to Cap Medicaid Rolls
Some red states, with Trump’s backing, are trying to put limits on the federal-state health program for the poor, which covers more than 72 million Americans.
Have Cancer, Must Travel: Patients Left In Lurch After Hospital Closes
The first installment of year-long series, which follows how the closure of one rural hospital disrupts a community’s health care, economy and equilibrium.
‘Medicare For All’ Emerges As Early Divide In First Democratic Debate
At the Democratic presidential debate health policies, ranging from “Medicare for All” to efforts to curb skyrocketing drug prices, were among the key issues
Why You Should Read Your Doctor’s Notes
A majority of patients who looked at their doctor’s notes reported they felt more in control of their care and said they were more compliant taking medication.
Trump Administration Rule Would Undo Health Care Protections For LGBTQ Patients
A Trump administration proposal would change the civil rights rules dictating whether providers must care for patients who are transgender or have had an abortion.
News bits
Health headlines from the region and around the world.
Death By 1,000 Clicks
How electronic health records became an ‘unholy mess.’
Big Pharma Gave Money To Patient Advocacy Groups Opposing Medicare Changes
By Sydney Lupkin and Elizabeth Lucas, Kaiser Health News, and Victoria Knight. Dozens of patient advocacy groups, like the Bonnie J. Addario Lung Cancer Foundation and the National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship, recently appeared in national advertisements objecting to a…
Weekend Reading…
Must-Reads Of The Week From Brianna Labuskes, Kaiser Health News Happy first day of March! Yours truly could barely keep up with all the news coming off Capitol Hill this week (yes, there were other things going on besides a…
Hospitals Check To See If Patients Are Donor-Worthy — Not Their Organs, But Pockets
Hospitals conduct nightly wealth screenings — using software that culls public data such as property records, and contributions charities.