Category: Heart and Circulatory System
Mid-life resting heart rate of 75 plus beats/minute linked to doubling in early death risk
Resting heart rate changes with age, with lower rates indicative of better cardiovascular fitness.
Vegan or Mediterranean diet – which is better for heart health?
Mediterranean diet includes vegetables and fruits in addition to oily fish, olive oil, red wine, lean meats, nuts, and low-fat dairy products.
Mediterranean diet cuts heart disease
People who followed the Mediterranean of diet had 25 percent less risk of developing cardiovascular disease over the course of 12 years.
Do fish oil supplements help your heart?
“I would never recommend a dietary supplement to a patient, and I would never take one myself,” says one prominent cardiologist.
Fish Oil And Vitamin D Pills No Guard Against Cancer Or Serious Heart Trouble
A widely anticipated study has concluded neither vitamin D nor fish oil supplements prevent cancer or serious heart-related problems in healthy older people.
Cut your risk of a heart attack — Get a flu shot
The risk of a heart attack increases 600% within a week of having the flu. Other respiratory infections also increased risk, but influenza caused the greatest.
Heart attacks more frequent in colder weather
Heart attacks increase with lower air temperature, lower atmospheric air pressure, higher wind velocity, shorter sunshine duration and colder weather.
Drugs hyped before fine print revealed
Headlines proclaimed that a new drug was potential game changer in treating cardiovascular disease, but evidence supporting the claim remains a mystery.
Building a better ‘code blue’
We found that some top hospitals had teams with members dedicated to responding to cardiac arrests around the clock. In others, team members had to drop their regular duties to response to codes.
Omega 3 supplements don’t protect against heart disease, study
Omega 3 supplements do not reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, deaths from heart disease and stroke, and death from any cause
The latest blood pressure guidelines: What they mean for you
High blood pressure starts at much lower pressures than previously thought, so it’s important to start paying attention to your blood pressure early.