Fatty liver disease is ripping through the Latino community like tsunami and especially affecting children.
Homeless man in hospital with hepatitis A
A growing number of hepatitis A outbreaks have been occurring across the country since 2016, especially among people living homeless and people who use drugs.
Health officials report on 2018 Seattle HIV outbreak
In 2018, a total of 30 women and heterosexual men who drugs inject were diagnosed with HIV, more than four times the number of women and heterosexual male injectors diagnosed in 2017.
As Syphilis Invades Rural America, Fraying Safety Net Is Failing To Stop It
While syphilis is still concentrated in cities, its continued spread into places like Missouri, Iowa, Kansas and Oklahoma creates a new set of challenges.
Gene therapy restores immunity in infants with ‘bubble boy’ disease
A small clinical trial has shown that gene therapy can safely correct the immune systems of infants newly diagnosed with a rare, inherited disorder.
WEED Like You to Get Home Safe: this Weekend & Always
Driving while high increases your chance of getting in a crash, and becomes even more dangerous when combined with alcohol use
Workplace Wellness Programs Barely Move The Needle, Study Finds
Wellness programs failed to make a difference in health measures, such as improved blood sugar, blood pressure or how much employers spent on health care.
Seven myths and truths about healthy skin
Here are some of the most commonly shared myths that can be cleared up immediately, and some truths you can rely on.
Salmonella outbreak sickens 4 in Washington state
Outbreak of Salmonella Newport infections linked to frozen, ground raw tuna from Jensen Tuna.
UW protein design group wins $45 million award
“We hope to attract the best and brightest in the world to the institute to work on what we believe is going to be a protein-design revolution.”
Want to learn a new skill? Take some short breaks
Our brains may solidify the memories of new skills we just practiced a few seconds earlier by taking a short rest.
Running? Here’s what you need to know about shoes
Whether you’re a newbie or a pro, a good pair of shoes can protect your feet and keep you running.
Mid-life resting heart rate of 75 plus beats/minute linked to doubling in early death risk
Resting heart rate changes with age, with lower rates indicative of better cardiovascular fitness.
Southern States Slowly Embracing Harm Reduction to Curb Opioid Epidemic
in the Bible Belt, many Southerners who held conservative views often criticized harm reduction as something that encouraged — not ended — the use of drugs.
Pollen is getting worse
But you can make things better with these tips from an allergist