Category: Vaccines
Beware of Fraudulent Coronavirus Tests, Vaccines and Treatments
The FDA is particularly concerned that these deceptive and misleading products might cause people to delay or stop appropriate medical treatment for COVID-19, leading to serious and life-threatening harm
Covid Is Killing Rural Americans at Twice the Rate of Urbanites
Rural Americans are dying of covid at more than twice the rate of their urban counterparts — a divide that health experts say is likely to widen as access to medical care shrinks for a population that tends to be older, sicker, heavier, poorer and less vaccinated.
Answers to your questions about COVID-19 vaccines
As deadlines near for COVID-19 vaccination mandates, you or someone you know may have questions about the vaccines. There’s plenty of mis-information available. For reliable answers, local health specialists from Public Health—Seattle & King County have been answering many key questions.
Can healthy people who eat right and exercise skip the COVID-19 vaccine? A research scientist and fitness enthusiast explains why the answer is no
I encourage people to do all they can to improve the health and functioning of their immune system, naturally. Then, seriously consider what additional protection would be gained from vaccination against COVID-19. When people make decisions based on the latest science – which is always evolving – rather than on emotions and misinformation, the decision should become much clearer.
Yes, you can receive the flu vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccine in the same visit
With more people gathering this fall and reports of overburdened hospitals from COVID-19’s delta variant, the American Diabetes Association, the American Heart Association and the American Lung Association are urging individuals over six months old to get their annual flu shot and for anyone who is eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
Half of unvaccinated workers say they’d rather quit than get a shot – but real-world data suggest few are following through
But while it is easy and cost-free to tell a pollster you’ll quit your job, actually doing so when it means losing a paycheck you and your family may depend upon is another matter.
I Got a ‘Mild’ Breakthrough Case. Here’s What I Wish I’d Known.
I should have known what was coming, but there was some part of me that couldn’t quite believe it. I had a breakthrough case of covid-19 — despite my two shots of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine,
King County will require proof of vaccination for restaurants, bars and other public venues
People who are unvaccinated or cannot prove vaccine status will be required to show proof of a negative PCR COVID-19 test in the last 72 hours, or an FDA-approved rapid test result from test conducted by a testing provider on site at an event or establishment just prior to entry.
States Embrace Vaccine Mandates Despite Potential Worker Exodus
Washington state’s mandate, issued last month by Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee, covers more than 800,000 workers. And unlike the economy-wide mandate announced by Biden last week, it doesn’t allow employees to submit to weekly testing instead of getting a vaccine.
Concert Venues Are Banking on Proof of Vaccines or Negative Tests to Woo Back Fans
After more than a year without live music, promoters, bands and fans are eager to keep the concerts going, but uncertainty remains over whether the vaccine or negative-test requirements actually make large concerts safe even if held outdoors.
COVID-19 transmission and hospitalizations at a new all-time high in Washington state
COVID-19 cases and hospital admissions in Washington state have reached their highest levels to-date, Washington State Department of Health officials said in a statement Thursday.
You’ve Been Vaccinated. Now Prove It.
Vaccine ‘passport’ requirements come with logistical challenges, such as adding staff to entrances, as well as privacy and fraud concerns about how information is stored and shared. That’s in addition to widespread opposition, especially in conservative areas, to any vaccine mandates
Washington to require vaccines for educators and issues statewide indoor mask mandate
K -12 educators, school staff, coaches, bus drivers, school volunteers and others working in school facilities will have until October 18 to be fully vaccinated as a condition of employment.
Rush to Boosters Sparks Confusion, Differing Recommendations
So what do we know about whether healthy, fully vaccinated people should get a booster? Here are answers to seven key questions.