Average daily time spent watching television or using a computer or mobile device increased from 53 minutes at age 12 months to more than 150 minutes at 3 years
Local E. coli case connected to national outbreak
Public Health believes that this person became ill from eating leafy greens purchased in King County. He was hospitalized but is now recovering.
Don’t eat Romaine lettuce from the Salinas California, CDC warns
Avoid all types of romaine harvested from Salinas, California, including heads and hearts of romaine, and precut lettuce and salad mixes that contain romaine.
What Twitter Reveals about Neighborhood Attitudes on Food
Tweets from more affluent neighborhoods included terms like Starbucks, coffee, and vegan from less affluent neighborhoods terms like pizza, tacos, and bacon
‘Walmart insulin’ can be a dangerous choice
Cash-strapped patient with diabetes who turn to low-cost “Walmart Insulins” could be putting their lives at risk, an expert warns.
Warning: This story may cause alarm — or apathy
Under its Prop. 65, California has designated more than 900 substances as toxic, ranging from the seemingly benign aloe vera to the deadly chemical benzene.
Why Mobility Managers Can Be Transportation Game Changers for Seniors and the Disabled — AARP
Mobility managers can help people ‘find a ride’ by connecting them to transportation options in their communities
Drug-resistant fungal infections are an urgent health threat – CDC
Fungi are more closely related genetically to humans than they are to bacteria so it is hard to make antibiotics that attack fungi without hurting human cells
Aspergillus at Seattle Children’s and Public Health’s response
Aspergillus is a common mold that rarely causes illness in healthy people but can cause serious infections in vulnerable people.
Inside Purdue Pharma’s Media Playbook: How It Planted the Opioid “Anti-Story”
In the article, Sally Satel, a psychiatrist, argued that law enforcement was overzealous, and that some patients needed large doses of opioids to relieve pain.
For Newborns With Hearing Loss, Screening Opens Window To A World Of Sound
Hearing loss is the most common congenital condition in the U.S. Three in 1,000 infants are born with it.
Cannabis found not to be a substitute for opioids
A meta-analysis of the studies found cannabis use didn’t reduce illicit opioid use during treatment nor did it retain people in treatment.
The Startlingly High Cost Of The ‘Free’ Flu Shot
At a Sacramento, Calif., facility, the insurer paid $85, but just a little more than half that at a clinic in Long Beach. A drugstore in Washington, D.C., was paid $32.
Loneliness is a social cancer, every bit as alarming as cancer itself
Young adults and people living in the inner city are among those most likely to be lonely. Few realize loneliness can kill.
When Caring For A Sick Spouse Shakes A Marriage To The Core
Marriages are often shaken to the core when one spouse becomes sick or disabled and the other takes on new responsibilities.