Millions of seniors across the country quietly go hungry as the safety net designed to catch them frays.
Officials warn county residents about severe lung disease associated use of e-cigarettes and THC products
100s of cases of severe lung illness have been reported among e-cigarette users. Many report having vaped products containing cannabinoids, such as THC and CBD.
‘Locally Grown’ Insurance Companies Help Fortify Washington State Market
Premiums for the state’s individual market are rising less than 1% on average, and the insurance commissioner, credits that to homegrown insurance plans.
New health centers will open at 3 Seattle schools this fall
The new centers will be at Lincoln High School in Wallingford, Meany Middle School on Capitol Hill, and Robert Eagle Staff Middle School in north Seattle.
New Trump Rule on Medical Interpreters Could Leave Immigrants Behind
The Trump administration intends to relax a federal rule requiring medical providers let patients know about their right to language interpretation services.
State makes it easier to access opioid overdose drug
Anyone who wants to get opioid overdose drug naloxone can now obtain the drug at any pharmacy in the state without a prescription.
A weight loss app may be a risky way to address obesity in children
Over the last week, a weight loss app targeted at children and teenagers aged 8-17 has sparked concern among health professionals and parents around the world.
Judge Cites Opioid ‘Menace,’ Awards Oklahoma $572M In Landmark Case
It’s the first ruling to hold a pharmaceutical company responsible for one of the worst drug epidemics in American history.
Success of Red Flag Laws Might Depend on Mental Health Teams
Violence prevention experts support the ‘red flag’ laws but say most of the country’s local police forces are ill-equipped to identify potential shooters.
Addiction clinics marketing pricey, unproven treatments.
Clinics tout high success rates that appeal to vulnerable people suffering from addiction, even if there’s no solid evidence to support their claims or methods.
How does the Washington state’s new immunization law affect you?
Washington no longer allows personal or philosophical exemptions to the requirement that students get theMMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccine.
In Men, It’s Parkinson’s. In Women, It’s Hysteria.
Neurologist Laura Boylan suffered from tremors and loss of balance that she attributed to a cyst in her brain. Why didn’t her doctors believe her?
Seven things you to know about bats & rabies
All mammals can get rabies, but in Washington State, bats are the primary animal source of rabies, so, if you see a bat, don’t touch it!
Trouble tying to find a word? Maybe this brain map will help
Neuroscientists have created interactive maps that can predict where different categories of words activate the brain
Dialysis Industry Spends Big To Protect Profits
In California, the dialysis industry spent about $2.5 million on lobbying and campaign contributions in the first half of this year in its ongoing battle to thwart regulation.