Category: Infectious Disease
COVID-19 Cases are rising in king county – what does that mean for schools?
At our current level of COVID-19 transmission, DOH guidance recommends distance learning for the vast majority of students.
Coronavirus: 3 types of vaccine hesitancy that needs to be address
Sceptics aren’t all the same
Being outdoors doesn’t mean you’re safe from COVID-19
Being outdoors doesn’t mean you’re safe from COVID-19 – a White House event showed what not to do
COVID-19 ‘Long-Haulers’ Worry About Coverage, Costs
One in three of symptomatic adults who tested positive for COVID-19 said they had not returned to their usual state of health 2 to 3 weeks after their tests.
Training our immune systems: Why we should insist on a high-quality COVID-19 vaccine
The way we train our immune systems now to respond to SARS-CoV-2 could impact how well our bodies can respond to future coronaviruses.
COVID-19 anti-vaxxers use the same arguments from 135 years ago
Anti-vaccine conspiracy theories and misinformation campaigns have gained traction. The history of these movements help explain why they are often effective.
COVID-19 cases in UW Greek System now total more than 160
The rapid increase in cases from 2 in early September to more than 160 now shows that COVID-19 spreads readily in the shared housing common on Greek Row.
What is the post-viral fatigue syndrome affecting some COVID-19 survivors?
These symptoms, called “post-viral fatigue syndrome”, have been reported by sufferers of many viral diseases including influenza, SARS, and now COVID-19.
How to cut your COVID-19 risk while indoors
As we head into fall and winter, we spend less time outdoors and more time indoors, where the risk of COVID-19 spread is higher.
Tips for Celebrating Halloween Safely
Snohomish Health District recommends opting for household-only and/or virtual activities.
A Real Vaccine Before the Election? It’d Take a Miracle.
If you look at all the steps needed for a coronavirus vaccine to be scientifically validated and cleared for public use. tt’s a long shot in 38 days.
Kids, masks & back-to-school FAQs
Are cloth masks best to protect against COVID-19? How often should masks be washed? And more!
Adjusting tactics quickly cut EMS providers’ COVID-19 risk
These efforts greatly reduced the risk of exposure among EMS providers, reducing the providers’ chance of infection and the number of days they had to be quarantined, and conserving their personal protective equipment (PPE)
Secret safety panels to pick COVID vaccine winners
Data and safety monitoring boards (DSMBs) are supposed to make sure the medicine is safe and it works and they can halt a clinical trial or fast-track it.
Battle Rages Inside Hospitals Over How COVID Strikes and Kills
At issue is the degree to which the virus is spread in tiny aerosol particles lingering in the air ― or by larger droplets from, say, a sneeze or cough.