B.1.617, or what has been called the “Indian double mutation”, had two mutations linked to increased transmissibility and an ability to evade the immune system.
Do you really need to drink 8 glasses of water a day?
Drinking eight glasses of eight ounces of water per day, is not right for everyone.
Asian American young adults are the only racial group with suicide as their leading cause of death, so why is no one talking about this?
Only one national study is targeting Asian American mental health
Going back to the gym: how to avoid injuries after lockdown
Why’s better to ease into training after months off.
Republican Men Are Vaccine-Hesitant, But There’s Little Focus on Them
Republicans are the most vaccine resistant; nearly 3 in 10 say they don’t want one. The share is greater among rural, Republican men, 35% of whom don’t want to get a vaccine.
Avoid unusual pop-up COVID-19 testing sites, King County health officials warn
Reputable COVID-19 testing options are available across the county, which provide free testing with rapid and highly accurate results.
Pregnant women with COVID-19 face high mortality rate
Worldwide study also found that 11% of babies contracted the novel coronavirus from their mothers.
From Rotten Teeth to Advanced Cancer, Patients Feel the Effects of Treatment Delays
Health providers are starting to see the consequences of a year of pandemic-delayed preventive and emergency care.
Long COVID Renews Push to Expand Palliative Care
Studies suggest palliative care results in a higher quality of life for patients and lower health care costs.
King County launches in-home coronavirus vaccination program
Right now, appointments are limited and individuals with the greatest challenges leaving their homes will be prioritized.
Are vegan diets good for your heart?
we found that there is currently little evidence to suggest a vegan diet protects the heart, or can reverse heart disease.
Are too many kids being diagnosed with ADHD?
Many ADHD diagnoses may given to children whose behaviors fall within a normal (but frustrating) range.
Walking workouts are great for heart, bone, and muscle health
– and almost everyone can do it
Dog Aging Project seeks more canine participants
Project is looking for puppies, big and giant dogs, rural dogs, certain breeds, and working dogs.
Vaccine eligibility in Washington state expands to everyone 16 and older
Those age 16 and 17 may need consent from a parent or guardian, unless they are legally emancipated.