Category: Nutrition
You can’t outrun your fork. But that doesn’t mean exercise can’t help you lose weight or change your diet.
Humans are very good at conserving energy and will account for any calories burned through exercise by consuming more calories later in the day or by being less physically active throughout the rest of the day.
Step away from the table – why you keep eating when you’re full
Let’s explore your body’s “stop eating signals” (satiety signals).
It could take 12 hours of walking to burn off your Christmas dinner
Or, if you prefer, you could jog for about five to six hours.
Eating Too Much Salt? Ways to Cut Back…Gradually
About 70% of the sodium you eat comes from processed (packaged) foods and restaurant foods.
Can healthy people who eat right and exercise skip the COVID-19 vaccine? A research scientist and fitness enthusiast explains why the answer is no
I encourage people to do all they can to improve the health and functioning of their immune system, naturally. Then, seriously consider what additional protection would be gained from vaccination against COVID-19. When people make decisions based on the latest science – which is always evolving – rather than on emotions and misinformation, the decision should become much clearer.
Sugar: here’s why some people experience negative side effects when they quit
Reducing sugar intake has clear health benefits, including reduced calorie intake, which can help with weight loss, and improved dental health. But people sometimes report experiencing negative side effects when they try eating less.
What should you eat after you’ve been on antibiotics? And can probiotics and prebiotics get your gut back to normal?
There is emerging evidence that combining specific probiotics and prebiotics can increase the beneficial effects of both
Are vegan diets good for your heart?
we found that there is currently little evidence to suggest a vegan diet protects the heart, or can reverse heart disease.
Not feeling motivated to tackle those sneaky COVID kilos? Try these 4 healthy eating tips instead
It may be better to focus on your eating patterns, rather than looking to the latest fad diet.
Is cutting saturated fat in your diet worth the effort?
The evidence suggests: Yes.
Hispanics live longer than most Americans, but will the US obesity epidemic change things?
Hispanic immigrants live longer than US-born whites but the life expectancy US-born Hispanics may soon be similar to that of US-born whites. Why? Obesity.
One in seven US youth obese, stud
Rates among youth age 10-17 in Washington state was 11.9 percent, among adults over 20, 28.3 percent.
US obesity rates continue to rise – CDC
Twelve states now have an adult obesity prevalence at or above 35%. This is up from 9 states in 2018 and just 6 in 2017. In Washington state, the rate was 285.
Dissecting fruit flies’ response to life-extension diet
UW researchers found that levels of metabolites provide a key to understanding why some organisms respond to low-calorie life-extension diets and others do not.
How to find emergency food services in King County
King County has posted information on how to apply for food assistance if you don’t already qualify and a map showing where you can pick up food supplies.