Category: Nutrition
They say they got canned advice and unresponsive clinicians — and some report they couldn’t get the newest drugs.
Research Brief: How unhealthy is red meat? And how beneficial is it to eat vegetables?
A new rating system could help you cut through the health guidelines
After breast cancer: 5 changes you can make to stay healthy
So, what can you do to improve your chances of living a longer, healthier life after a breast cancer diagnosis?
What’s this ‘longevity’ diet, and will it really make you live longer?
Foods in this diet are vegetables, including leafy greens, fruit, nuts, beans, olive oil, and seafood that’s low in mercury.
An expert panel has recommended against taking vitamin E or beta carotene supplements for the prevention of cancer and cardiovascular disease – here’s why
The panel of experts concluded that with regard to the prevention of cardiovascular disease or cancer, the harms of beta carotene supplementation outweigh the benefits and that there is no net benefit of supplementation with vitamin E for those purposes.
Why snacking could be damaging your health
But these days, people are eating more frequently than they ever have before – and often outside of meal times. New smartphone app data shows that we now have erratic eating patterns. Many of us are continually snacking rather than eating at defined times – which means we spend up to 16 hours a day in a “fed” state.
Do athletes really need protein supplements?
Protein and amino acids indirectly affect performance by building muscle to improve performance. But there is little evidence to suggest consuming extra protein directly aids physical performance in either endurance or resistance exercise.
Restricting calories leads to weight loss, not necessarily the window of time you eat them in
A new confirms there is no one best diet for weight loss. It also shows small decreases in the window of time you’re eating probably won’t make a difference to weight loss.
Remind me again, why is salt bad for you?
Salt is a chemical compound made of sodium and chloride, and this is the main form in which we consume it in our diet. Of these two elements, it’s the sodium we need to worry about.
Pre-workout supplements: why five of the six most common ingredients probably aren’t helping you
Here we take a look at some of the most common pre-workout ingredients to see whether there’s any evidence they work.
You can’t outrun your fork. But that doesn’t mean exercise can’t help you lose weight or change your diet.
Humans are very good at conserving energy and will account for any calories burned through exercise by consuming more calories later in the day or by being less physically active throughout the rest of the day.
Step away from the table – why you keep eating when you’re full
Let’s explore your body’s “stop eating signals” (satiety signals).
It could take 12 hours of walking to burn off your Christmas dinner
Or, if you prefer, you could jog for about five to six hours.
Eating Too Much Salt? Ways to Cut Back…Gradually
About 70% of the sodium you eat comes from processed (packaged) foods and restaurant foods.
Can healthy people who eat right and exercise skip the COVID-19 vaccine? A research scientist and fitness enthusiast explains why the answer is no
I encourage people to do all they can to improve the health and functioning of their immune system, naturally. Then, seriously consider what additional protection would be gained from vaccination against COVID-19. When people make decisions based on the latest science – which is always evolving – rather than on emotions and misinformation, the decision should become much clearer.