About half of those who commit mass shootings show warning signs that they were a threat to themselves or others.
To Few Doctors to Treat HIV in the South
CDC data shows the South, which the agency defines as a 16-state region, saw more new cases — 19,968 — than the rest of the nation combined in 2017.
Human-animal hybrids are coming
Human-animal hybrids are coming and could be used to grow organs for transplant. What does it mean? A philosopher weighs in
There’s no evidence 5G is going to harm our health, so let’s stop worrying about it
The radio frequencies powering 5G will be well below the exposure limits known to cause harm.
How drugmakers use their generics to stifle competition
Of the ways drug companies protect sales as patents expire by changing doses, adding ingredients, but authorized generics is by far the most profitable tactic.
Washington state has 2nd lowest infant mortality rate in US
Washington state has second lowest infant mortality rate, 3.88/1000 live births; Massachusetts, at 3.66/1000, lowest – National rate 5.9.
Infusion Treatments For Low Iron Can Deplete Patients’ Wallets
Physicians profit handsomely from infusions. And they are paid based on the prescribed drug’s average price giving them an incentive to pick the most expensive.
State rejects Trump Title X abortion gag rule
“We will not allow any woman in Washington to be denied full and accurate information about her medical care,” said Washington Gov. Jay Inslee.
Tech could help with the shortage of caregivers for seniors
For maximal benefit, technology must be responsive to new generations of older adults who are aging in place.
The Talk Seniors Need To Have With Doctors Before Surgery
Older patients have different priorities than younger ones. More than longevity, they value remaining independent and having quality time with loved ones
Opioid study shows which counties are at high-risk
Study identified 412 counties are at least twice as likely to be at high risk for opioid overdose deaths and to lack providers who can deliver medications to treat opioid use disorder.
Kids should get dirty, but how dirty?
Let your kids play outside, get dirty, try new foods and be exposed to a variety of things. Have them go outside recess time in school as much as possible.
Christian Hospital Dials Back Aggressive Debt Collection
Memphis non-profit hospital will raise the minimum wage it pays employees and stop suing them for unpaid medical debts.
Genetic-Testing Scam Targets Seniors
Scores of older Americans who have been targeted in a scam that uses DNA tests to defraud Medicare or steal personal information.
This Indiana Clinic Has Patient-Care Stats Worth Bragging About
Maple City Clinic has graphs comparing its performance to that of other clinics across the state. The other clinics are getting their butts kicked.