About 70% of the sodium you eat comes from processed (packaged) foods and restaurant foods.
Medical errors keep killing patients – Here’s how to reduce the death toll.
It’s estimated that up to 400,000 Americans die every year from medical mistakes.
Your daily 7,000
In one study, people Participants who took an average of at least 7,000 daily steps had a 50% to 70% lower risk of death.
More than 140,000 U.S. Children Lost a Primary or Secondary Caregiver Due to the COVID-19
Overall, the study shows that approximately 1 out of 500 children in the United States has experienced COVID-19-associated orphanhood or death of a grandparent caregiver.
Organ Centers to Transplant Patients: Get a Covid Shot or Move Down on Waitlist
A growing numbers of transplant programs have chosen to either bar patients who refuse to take the widely available covid vaccines from receiving transplants, or give them lower priority on crowded organ waitlists.
Risk of a COVID-19/Flu ‘twindemic,’ makes getting vaccinated all the more urgent
As winter looms and hospitals across the U.S. continue to be deluged with severe cases of COVID-19, flu season presents a particularly ominous threat this year.
Beware of Fraudulent Coronavirus Tests, Vaccines and Treatments
The FDA is particularly concerned that these deceptive and misleading products might cause people to delay or stop appropriate medical treatment for COVID-19, leading to serious and life-threatening harm
Covid Is Killing Rural Americans at Twice the Rate of Urbanites
Rural Americans are dying of covid at more than twice the rate of their urban counterparts — a divide that health experts say is likely to widen as access to medical care shrinks for a population that tends to be older, sicker, heavier, poorer and less vaccinated.
Answers to your questions about COVID-19 vaccines
As deadlines near for COVID-19 vaccination mandates, you or someone you know may have questions about the vaccines. There’s plenty of mis-information available. For reliable answers, local health specialists from Public Health—Seattle & King County have been answering many key questions.
Can healthy people who eat right and exercise skip the COVID-19 vaccine? A research scientist and fitness enthusiast explains why the answer is no
I encourage people to do all they can to improve the health and functioning of their immune system, naturally. Then, seriously consider what additional protection would be gained from vaccination against COVID-19. When people make decisions based on the latest science – which is always evolving – rather than on emotions and misinformation, the decision should become much clearer.
Wildfire Smoke Is Here to Stay. Here’s How to Clean the Air Inside Your Home.
The standard advice is to stay inside when heavy smoke is in the air. But the smoke can get into your house or apartment. So you might want to consider investing in equipment to clean the air inside your home, especially with climate change likely to continue escalating the scope and intensity of the fires.
Alzheimer’s Drug Targets People With Mild Cognitive Impairment. What Does That Mean?
Yet this narrower recommendation raises questions. What does a diagnosis of mild cognitive impairment mean? Is Aduhelm appropriate for all people with mild cognitive impairment, or only some? And who should decide which patients qualify for treatment: dementia specialists or primary care physicians?
Yes, you can receive the flu vaccine and the COVID-19 vaccine in the same visit
With more people gathering this fall and reports of overburdened hospitals from COVID-19’s delta variant, the American Diabetes Association, the American Heart Association and the American Lung Association are urging individuals over six months old to get their annual flu shot and for anyone who is eligible to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
Half of unvaccinated workers say they’d rather quit than get a shot – but real-world data suggest few are following through
But while it is easy and cost-free to tell a pollster you’ll quit your job, actually doing so when it means losing a paycheck you and your family may depend upon is another matter.
Men should check their genes for prostate cancer risk, UW researchers say.
Approximately 1 in 10 men with advanced prostate cancer carries an inherited gene mutation, according to UW researchers.