Women, racial minorities and people with left-leaning political views were more likely to limit risk.
Pfizer vaccine: what an ‘efficacy rate above 90%’ really means
Efficacy is the performance of a treatment under ideal and controlled circumstances, and effectiveness is performance under real-world conditions.
Health care workers wanted: A veteran needs you to work at a VA hospital
Huge vacancies in VA medical centers means that veterans are not getting the health care they need.
Hospitals don’t like Biden’s plan to lower Medicare eligibility age
Hospitals fear adding millions of people to Medicare will cost them billions of dollars in revenue.
COVID-19 spreading rapidly across Washington state
We’re running out of time to change direction,” State Health Officer Dr. Kathy Lofy. said, “We need everyone . . . to take action now to stop the spread”
Most States Aren’t Ready to Distribute the Leading COVID-19 Vaccine
Most officials don’t know how they’ll deal with the difficult storage and transport requirements of Pfizer’s vaccine, especially in hard-hit rural areas.
90% efficacy for Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine is striking. But we need to wait for the full data
These early results are what is known as an “interim analysis”. It’s an early look at the data before a study is complete to see if the vaccine might work.
Vaccine trial raises hopes, but distribution will be a challenge
Up to 330 million people will need to be vaccinated.
Biden Is Under Pressure to Name New FDA Chief ASAP
Biden faces immense pressure to move faster than any other modern president as the pandemic rages and COVID deaths are expected to surge through the winter.
COVID-19 surges in Western Washington
Western Washington is seeing a surge in new COVID-19 cases similar to that seen in much of the rest of the country, with King, Snohomish and Pierce counties are now considered to be “hot zones” of disease transmission, Washington State…
As treatments have improved, COVID-19 death rates have fallen 18%
Along with new treatments, physicians have learnt simple techniques, such as putting a patient in a prone position to distribute oxygen more evenly in the lungs.
5 ways the pandemic affects mental health
Recent studies have shown increases in the prevalence and severity of depression and anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder and substance abuse.
How Surging COVID Cases Forced Montana to Change Its Mask Strategy
When appealing to people’s sense of community didn’t work, officials began to escalate: adding in guilt, then shaming, and now to attempts to punish.
How to prevent COVID-19 ‘superspreader’ events indoors this winter
The pandemic has largely been driven by superspreader events, in which a single individual directly infects several contacts.
Encouraging walking and cycling isn’t hard – here are three tried and tested methods
20-minute neighbourhoods, sdchool street closures and scale it up.