Category: Cardiology
Study challenges “good” cholesterol’s role in universally predicting heart disease risk
Lower levels of HDL cholesterol were associated with increased risks for heart attacks in white but not Black adults, and higher levels were not protective for either group. the study was the first to find that lower HDL cholesterol levels only predicted increased cardiovascular disease risk for white adults.
Heartbeat-Tracking Technology Raises Patients’ and Doctors’ Worries
Gadget firms — starting with Apple and now Fitbit, which is owned by Google — are selling wearable devices that check heartbeat rhythms and alert users when something is out of sync. But some cardiologists say the information the devices produce isn’t always useful.
Remind me again, why is salt bad for you?
Salt is a chemical compound made of sodium and chloride, and this is the main form in which we consume it in our diet. Of these two elements, it’s the sodium we need to worry about.
Doctors Overlook a Curable Cause of High Blood Pressure
More than six decades after primary aldosteronism was first described in the medical literature, less than 1 percent of cases are diagnosed and treated despite evidence that it is a common cause of high blood pressure, or hypertension.
“Get This Thing Out of My Chest”
A life-sustaining heart pump was taken off the market after years of problems and FDA inaction. Thousands of people are now stuck with it embedded in their hearts.
Eating Too Much Salt? Ways to Cut Back…Gradually
About 70% of the sodium you eat comes from processed (packaged) foods and restaurant foods.
40% of cardiac arrest cases at SeaTac Airport resuscitated, UW study finds.
Chance of resuscitation may be better a airports and on airplanes because there are witnesses and automatic external defibrillators are nearby.
Thousands of Patients Were Implanted With Heart Pumps That the FDA Knew Could Be Dangerous
Inspectors repeatedly found manufacturing and device quality problems with the HeartWare pump. But the FDA didn’t penalize the company, and patients had the device implanted without knowing the facts.
For three of the past four years, wildfire smoke in our region has exposed people to unhealthy levels of particulate air pollution for prolonged periods of time.
Is cutting saturated fat in your diet worth the effort?
The evidence suggests: Yes.
Push Is On in US to Figure Out South Asians’ High Heart
In the US, there’s increasing attention on high risk for heart disease among Americans of South Asian descent, a growing population of about 5.4 million.
Hazy Days Are Here Again
Everyone should take precautions, especially infants, children, and people over 65, or those that are pregnant, have heart or lung diseases, diabetes, stroke survivors, and those suffering from COVID-19.
One in eight adults hospitalized for flu had serious heart complications, study
Of these patients, one in three was admitted to the intensive care unit and 7% died.
Don’t let COVID-19 keep you from seeking emergency care
Serious symptoms, like those associated with a heart attack or stroke, are still urgent during the COVID-19 pandemic, and rapid treatment is critical.
Mediterranean diet cuts heart disease
People who followed the Mediterranean of diet had 25 percent less risk of developing cardiovascular disease over the course of 12 years.