Clark County Public Health officials have identified 30 confirmed cases and nine suspect cases. No new public exposure locations have been identified.
Inslee declares emergency in response to measles outbreak
Washington State Gov. Jay Inslee declared a state of emergency today in all counties in response to more than two dozen confirmed cases of measles in the state.
Study to map this season’s flu virus in Seattle
The study will recruit 10,000 residents and visitors who show flu-like symptoms, creating a first-of-its-kind citywide network for infectious disease tracking.
Postpartum Psychosis: Real, Rare And Dangerous
Elevated hormones from childbirth — plus sleep deprivation — can trigger confusion and paranoia.
Support grows for action on drug prices
Spurred on by midterm election results that showed health care to be a deciding issue, lawmakers are pushing a bevy of new proposals and approaches.
Prices vary wildly from hospital to hospital
The price of a liter of basic saline solution ranged from $56 to $383, nearly seven times as much. A brain MRI with contrast ranged from $3,200 to $8,800.
‘Recovery High” for Seattle students with addictions
The Seattle public school, known as a recovery school, is designed for students learning to lead lives of sobriety while they earn their diplomas.
Measles investigation in King County
It is not clear where the man got infected but he reported he had recently traveled to Vancouver, Washington where there is a large, ongoing measles outbreak.
Uninsured rate rises to four-year high, Gallup
The 2.8-percentage-point increase since that low represents a net increase of about seven million adults without health insurance.
Number of measles cases in Clark County climbs to 23
Those infected either weren’t immunized (20( or are unable to confirm (3) that they were immunized.
Alcohol-Linked Disease Overtakes Hep C As Top Reason For Liver Transplant
One reason for the shift, researchers said, is that hepatitis C, which used to be the leading cause of liver transplants, has become easier to treat with drugs.
Depression in First-Year Doctors Depends on Where They Train
Rates were highest in programs whose trainees reported the longest hours, the least helpful faculty feedback, and the least valuable inpatient training programs.
Most Americans favor Medicare-for-All, poll
Seventy-four percent of those polled, including nearly half of Republicans (47%), favor a national government plan like Medicare that is open to anyone.
Number of Clark county measles cases climbs to 22
Anyone who has been exposed and believes they have symptoms of measles to call their health care provider prior to visiting the medical office.
Can the states fix US healthcare?
For over a decade, we’ve been waiting for Washington to solve our healthcare woes. Now, with Washington in total dysfunction, states are looking for solutions.