Oregon’s Clackamas County, health officials are asking patients with an STD who their sexual partners are — and then are tracking those partners down.
Is ‘Precision Medicine’ The Answer To Cancer? Not Precisely.
Doctors and hospitals love to talk about patients saved with precision medicine, and reporters love to write about them, but success is, in fact, rare.
Trying To Protect Seniors, The Most Vulnerable, From Formidable Foe Florence
With Hurricane Florence predicted to slam the North Carolina coast Friday, health officials are already scrambling to keep older residents safe.
Why you might want to get a hepatitis A vaccine
The hepatitis A vaccine is safe and effective; it is given as 2 shots, 6 months apart. Both shots are needed for long-term protection.
Unwitting patients used to influence federal rule-making
Some patients whose comments were submitted to the federal government to oppose a change in drug payment policy have no memory of writing or signing the comments.
Obesity rates at or above 35% in 5 states, CDC
Adult obesity prevalence is at or above 35% in Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and West Virginia.
Flu plane: are we really ready for a global pandemic?
The 1918 Spanish flu pandemic killed 50-100m people. A major influenza pandemic on this scale will happen again, and we’re unprepared.
How to beat the ‘freshman five’ weight gain
Young women will gain one to five kilograms of body fat during young adulthood, while males will gain 1.5 to 10 kilograms on average.
Top Cancer Researcher Fails to Disclose Financial Ties to Corporations
One of the world’s top breast cancer doctors failed to disclose millions of dollars in payments from drug and health care companies in recent years.
E. coli infections in Washington state linked to raw milk
A Washington state child under 5 years old and resident in their 70s became ill with an E. coli infection after drinking Dungeness Valley Creamery raw milk.
Take Two Carrots and Call Me in the Morning
The idea behind “food is medicine” is that if chronically ill people eat a nutritious diet, they’ll need fewer medications, ER visits and hospital readmissions.
Insulin’s High Cost Leads To Deadly Rationing
His family thinks their son was rationing his insulin — using less than he needed — to try to make it last until he could afford to buy more.
Counting Kicks to Prevent Stillbirths
Stillbirths dropped 28% in Iowa after the launch of a program that teaches mothers to track the movements of their unborn babies in the last trimester.
Avoidable Sepsis Infections Send Thousands Of Seniors To Gruesome Deaths
Nursing homes around the country are failing to prevent infections that can lead to sepsis.
Daily use of marijuana among non-college young adults hits all-time high
More than 13% of young adults not in college report daily, or near daily, marijuana use. Alcohol use is more common among college students.