winter icicles ice cold
Environment, Injury Prevention, Prevention, Public Health

Resources and emergency shelters available statewide to keep people safe and warm during dangerously cold winter weather

Cold weather can be very dangerous if you are not prepared, particularly for people without homes, the elderly, and those with medical conditions. Health risks include hypothermia, frostbite, falls, vehicle accidents, and carbon monoxide poisoning from improper indoor use of fires or generators. Winter storms can make these problems worse by causing power outages and property damage.

Drugs, Fitness, Prevention, Weight Loss

As Zepbound dominates headlines as a new obesity-fighting drug, a nutritionist warns that weight loss shouldn’t be the only goal

Weight loss medications are intended to be used in conjunction with lifestyle changes, such as exercise and a healthy diet. But too often, people view them as a silver bullet for weight loss. And the high price tag and variable insurance coverage for these popular weight loss drugs create a barrier for many people.

Health Insurance, Medicare

Older Americans Say They Feel Trapped in Medicare Advantage Plans.

Medicare pays private insurers a fixed amount per Medicare Advantage enrollee and in many cases also pays out bonuses, which the insurers can use to provide supplemental benefits. Those extra benefits work as an incentive to get people to join the plan but that the plans then restrict the access to so many services and coverage for the bigger stuff.”

Alternative Medicine, Media, Public Health, Technology

Health misinformation is rampant on social media – here’s what it does, why it spreads and what people can do about it

Studies show that health misinformation spread on social media results in fewer people getting vaccinated and can also increase the risk of other health dangers such as disordered eating and unsafe sex practices and sexually transmitted infections. Health misinformation has even bled over into animal health, with a 2023 study finding that 53% of dog owners surveyed in a nationally representative sample report being skeptical of pet vaccines.

Child Health, Diet, Nutrition, Women's Health

DOH launchers interactive tool to connect people to Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Nutrition Program

WIC provides monthly food benefits with an emphasis on healthy grocery items like milk, fruits, and vegetables. The program also assists with health screenings and referrals, nutritional education, and breast/chest-feeding support. WIC is for people who are pregnant, recently delivered a baby, who are breast/chest-feeding, and infants and children under 5 years old. Dads, grandparents, foster parents, or other guardians may also apply for WIC for their children.

Aging, Brain and Nervous System, Dementia, Prevention

Lifestyle changes can reduce dementia risk by maintaining brain plasticity — but the time to act is now

There are several new drugs making their way to the market for Alzheimer’s disease (one of the most common forms of dementia). However, they are still far from a cure and are currently only effective for early-stage Alzheimer’s patients. So lifestyle changes may be our best hope of delaying dementia or not developing dementia at all.