Category: Nutrition
Vegan diets are adding to malnutrition in wealthy countries
Eating a plant-based diet may lower the risk of chronic disease, but poorly planned vegan diets can lead to serious micronutrient deficiencies.
Mediterranean diet cuts heart disease
People who followed the Mediterranean of diet had 25 percent less risk of developing cardiovascular disease over the course of 12 years.
Five food mistakes sabotaging your diet
Many “healthy” foods and drinks contain hidden fats, sugars or salt, each of which will curb your weight loss efforts.
Fish Oil And Vitamin D Pills No Guard Against Cancer Or Serious Heart Trouble
A widely anticipated study has concluded neither vitamin D nor fish oil supplements prevent cancer or serious heart-related problems in healthy older people.
Salt: Cut back without losing flavor
Can we reduce the salt in our diet yet keep all the delicious flavours we crave? This is a problem the food industry has been working on for years.
5 ways to cut your meat intake
Our food choices are driven by our “Homer Simpson Brain System” – named after the cartoon character famed for making impulsive decisions.
Food Makers Failing to Fortify Corn Masa To Halt Birth Defects,
Only 10% of corn masa flour and no soft corn tortillas–staples in the Hispanic diet– contained folic acid, which can help prevent devastating birth defects.
Coffee with your sugar?
One grande pumpkin spice latte from a certain famous coffee chain has 50 grams, or 12 teaspoons, of sugar.
Low-carb versus high-carb – is the evidence really contradictory?
Two ‘contradictory’ studies had strikingly similar results: Getting around half of your energy from carbs is associated with the lowest risk of dying early.
Obesity rates at or above 35% in 5 states, CDC
Adult obesity prevalence is at or above 35% in Alabama, Arkansas, Iowa, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and West Virginia.
How to beat the ‘freshman five’ weight gain
Young women will gain one to five kilograms of body fat during young adulthood, while males will gain 1.5 to 10 kilograms on average.
Take Two Carrots and Call Me in the Morning
The idea behind “food is medicine” is that if chronically ill people eat a nutritious diet, they’ll need fewer medications, ER visits and hospital readmissions.
Vitamin D: a pseudo-vitamin for a pseudo-disease
We have created another pseudo-disease that is encouraged by vitamin companies, patient groups, food manufacturers, public health departments and charities.
Delay eating breakfast and eat dinner early if you want to lose body fat – new study
There is strong evidence to support the health benefits of time-restricted eating (TRE) in animals, and recent small studies suggest possible benefits for humans, too.
Cancer, Schmancer. In California, Coffee Is King
At issue is a chemical called acrylamide, a byproduct of coffee roasting also present in many other foods that are roasted, fried or baked.